Exercise is basically any movement which requires your muscles to work, and needs your body to burn calories. There are a good number of physical activities which include swimming, running, dancing, walking, jogging and the likes.

Being active on a regular basis has a good number of health benefits both mentally and physically. As a matter of fact, it contributes to your long life.

To start with, exercise has been shown to help make your mood better. It reduces feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. Exercise also enhances the sensitivity of the brain for the hormones norepinephrine and serotonin which reduces feeling of depression. Exercise has a profound effect on mood that when you decide to exercise or not, there is always a difference over short periods.

In addition, exercise helps with weight loss. Inactivity is one of the greatest factor which contributes to obesity and weight gain.

Once you have a good understanding on the link between energy expenditure and exercise, you will understand the effect which exercise has on weight reduction. When you combine aerobic exercise with resistance training, it can aid maximally in fat loss and maintenance of muscle mass.

Exercise also plays an important role in building and maintaining strong bones and muscles. As people get older, they lose their muscle mass and function, thereby leading to disabilities and injuries. Undergoing regular activity is needed to stepping down muscle loss and maintenance of strength as you get older.

Also, exercise also aids in enhancing your energy levels. It is a profound energy booster for healthy people, and those who suffer from various health conditions. Exercise greatly increases energy levels for people who are suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome and other grave medical conditions.

Exercise also effectively aids in reducing the chance of coming down with a chronic disease. Exercising on a regular basis enhances insulin sensitivity, body composition and cardiovascular fitness. It also aids in reducing blood pressure and blood fat levels. Regular physical activity is also recommended for belly fat reduction, and reducing the risk of developing various diseases.


Updated: September 13, 2019 — 6:52 pm

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